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Prep School Princess

Reference: DVDSLEE370


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Starring Cristina Agave
Starring Katie Lane
Starring Lielani
Starring Micah Moore
Starring Savanna James
Run Time 109 mins

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TREAT ME LIKE A PRINCESS! Don't worry Mister, I'm 18 and legal as a handgun in Texas. But I still wear my prep school uniform cuz I know it turns you on. Doesn't it? Shoot, you don't have to say nothing. I can tell how happy you are to see me! The way you're eyeballing me from the tips of my tiny toes to the points of my rock hard nipples, I feel like a big yummy sundae. You wanna lick me? Between my legs is more like a melting sundae, it's so wet. I promise it's delicious. But first you gotta get me in the mood Mister? by taking me to the mall! This Original Kick Ass DVD comes in White Sleeve

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